Represent matches a supporter's postal code or geocoded address to the correct elected officials. It makes it easy for you to build “email your representative” advocacy campaigns. During elections, we can connect your activists to political candidates.
“I used your municipal data as part of a successful letter writing campaign from constituents to their elected municipal politicians, which resulted in the passage of the most definitive resolution ever opposing oil tanker traffic expansion on B.C.'s coast.” – Karl Hardin, Dogwood Initiative
Collect a user's postal code or address, and use Represent to match it to an electoral district. By identifying their riding, you can invite supporters to take local actions or show readers stories from their local election race.
“For our BC Election Guide, we used a few endpoints of the Represent API: the representative lookup by riding, the BC provincial riding boundaries and their simplified geometry (a time-consuming task, if not available), and the riding lookup by latitude and longitude.” – Phillip Smith, The Tyee
If your people database contains postal codes or addresses, use Represent to match people to their electoral districts. By mapping people geographically, you can better target canvassing, mobilize volunteers, and organize donation drives.
Represent is open source and makes its source data available where possible